Are you ready to:
Touch a life?Strengthen communities?Make a difference?Lead the way?Change the world for the better?
Yes? Then you will be ready for the big Kick Off of T-Day on March 7, 2009!
T-Day is the first Saturday of each month. In addition to encouraging everyone to engage in local service projects, we are also proposing an option that is international in scope. The Ugandan American Global Initiatives is an NPO committed to, among other things, providing solar ovens for Ugandan villages. We are partnering with them to make it happen!
More information about what you can do to help, and about the brand new Together We Can Change The World Challenge Fund, is coming soon.
Everyone is welcome to spend T-Day working on projects that are meaningful and important to whatever cause or organization they want to support. Drawing on their skills, experience, and concern for others, we can provide a wide range of services, from tutoring at-risk youth, building homes for low-income people, responding to natural disasters, caring for homebound seniors, to helping mobilize other volunteers and build the capacity of local organizations.