T-Day Website

T-Day Website
Please click here to return to our Together We Can Change The World Day Website.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Free Website Listings!

I’m part of My Power Mall and its parent company Together We Can Change The World, Inc. We provide a free website for individuals, organizations, and businesses to promote their special service projects on the first Saturday of every month (http://www.togetherwecanchangetheworldday.com/).

This new clearinghouse offers people around the world an opportunity to promote their projects so individuals in their area can find them and perhaps join in. It also serves as a place where people can go to get ideas for projects of their own.

Together We Can Change The World Day (T-Day) encourages everyone to consciously make a difference in their community and the world at least once a month.

Please feel free to list your cause/events for the first Saturday of every month (or the first Saturday of any particular month). Again, there is no cost – this is our gift to the world. It’s a great opportunity to publicize your website and your mission. After you register, you will receive an email confirming your project.

I hope you will use the site and help us spread the word about it to other organizations and individuals. We are a company that believes deeply that Together We Can Change The World!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Path of Least Resistance

Apples do not fall up from the trees into the sky. Instead, apples are either plucked off their branches or they eventually fall down to the ground (splat). Most things in nature go from "point A" to "point B" in a way that takes the least amount of energy. Rain falls. Rivers flow downstream. Seedlings grow up toward the sun. Rocks sink in water and roll down hills.

The path of least resistance is often the quickest, easiest, most efficient way to get things done.

When it comes to service, the path of least resistance would seem to be to spread the word about service projects that need to get done and about people who want to do service. It is very simple: I love animals and I want to help them live a happy life. My friends love animals and want to help them too. Our local animal shelter needs assistance caring for their animals. It seems like a perfect match between supply and demand.

But people tend to complicate things in ways that do not always make the most sense. There are several factors that keep us wandering off the path of least resistance:

  • Individuals and organizations needing help often have difficulty asking for the help they need. Sometimes they depend on the same few people to do all of the many projects that need to be done!

  • People who can and will do service projects tend to keep their good works private because they want to avoid the prospect of appearing boastful or unseemly.

  • Those who want to give service and those who need to get service have a difficult time getting together!

The first Saturday of every month, Together We Can Change The World Day, offers a simple way to match up needs with helping hands. As our project registry on http://www.togetherwecanchangetheworldday.com/ grows and expands, it is our sincere hope that individuals and organizations that need volunteer assistance can have their needs met, and simultaneously, people and groups that want to do service projects can easily find fulfilling activities!

Our next T-Day is March 7. It might take a little time to get our Registry database filled with hundreds and thousands of projects, the path of least resistance right now is to begin adding projects to the website so the supply and the demand strikes a balance.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Activities for T-Day

Together We Can Change The World Day (T-Day) is designed to make it possible for everyone to join together on the first Saturday of every month, helping to change the world one person at a time. We encourage projects large and small, projects that benefit one person or projects that reach millions.

This week we would like to think specifically about projects for families! When we volunteer together as a family, we are helping others in need as we bring about an incredible sense of pride and fulfillment within our own household. Whether the project is volunteering at a local animal shelter, cleaning a playground, running errands for neighbors who need assistance, raising funds for larger projects, or anything in between, family T-Day projects provide a fun and interesting way to spend a Saturday together.

Service projects give us an opportunity to relate to each other on a whole new level. As the family makes plans for the project date around the dinner table, they will find great opportunities to discuss service, values, kindness, and sharing. Try having each member of the family choose the project for each month (why not give them their birthday month to choose).

There is hardly a better way to prompt a conversation about people who need help and what it means to be a hero. We have added a check box on our Project Registration section of http://www.togetherwecanchangetheworldday.com/ to indicate whether a project welcomes children. Of course, some projects are more family-friendly than others, but the possibilities have no limit.

Don't forget to enter your project into the website to inspire and mobilize others with your ideas!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

T-Day ToDay and Every Day!

Together We Can Change The World Day, T-Day, is the first Saturday of each month, and we plan to have a major kick-off on March 7. But as we gear up to that day, many exciting connections are being made. We have a new page on FaceBook, and we are gathering all sorts of relationships with people and organizations around the world that will help us add to our already tremendous network of friends.

Of course T-Day is not about Being The Difference only one day a month! That's why the FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, Blog, and YouTube accounts we've set up are called T-Day ToDay. Kindness and generosity are an essential part of everyday life, but it is our hope that the spirit of giving reaches a crescendo on the first Saturday of each month as people all over the world join together to Make A Difference.

Check out our FaceBook page at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1381926152&ref=name Why not join and make us a "friend"?

All the best,