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Monday, June 29, 2009

Change of Plans!

UAGI is in the process of getting their 501(c)(3) status, so we have decided to delay the launch of the solar oven project for a few weeks.....
You will still want to join us tonight for the Family Chat!
You'll meet Lana, a very determined, focused 14 year old who is building an amazing business!
Primary Number: (206) 701-8388
Backup Number:(323) 476-3672
Conference ID: 872144#
Local Numbers: http://NConnects.com/LocalMonday 6 PM – 7 PM PST Family Chat
(you can call in 15 min. early to say hello)

Family Chat tonight with Prince Ron Mutebi!

Primary Number: (206) 701-8388

Backup Number:(323) 476-3672

Conference ID: 872144#

Monday 6 PM – 7 PM PST Family Chat

(you can call in 15 min. early to say hello)

Learn about the exciting partnership between Ugandan American Global Initiatives and TWCCTW! We're joining forces to build the first solar oven factory in Uganda!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Soaring Eagles, Endless Beaches and Forever Friendships

Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting a group of people I have known all my life. Confused? I'll explain.

Wednesday, June 8th, 17 people from the TWCCTW M-Team converged in Seattle from all over the United States. We spent the next five days together by the beach. All of us have actually 'met' before, speaking together several times each week on our conference calls. And several have been together from the beginning, seven years ago.

Our stories are vastly different, and yet our paths led us all to the same place - Together We Can Change the World. It became abundantly clear that, while personalities were yet to be discovered, our hearts and souls were old friends.

Our mission during the retreat was to create the conditions necessary to enable TWCCTW to explode going forward. We learned from the past and set our vision for the future. The 'present' was filled with hugs, tears and lots of laughter. The synergistic energy was overwhelming at times.

Together We Can Change the World was created for this time in history. So many people and organizations for positive change are in need.

At one point during a break, I noticed a pencil holder, fashioned from a section of a hardwood tree, on the table. As any forester would do, I turned it over to check the growth rings. The center was comprised of about 6 or 7 very narrow, dark rings. The next several rings were about three times as wide. At this very point in the life of the young tree, resources became abundant. We are poised at that same juncture in the life of our company.

Our growth potential is unlimited.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Together We Can Change the World, Inc. Donates $50,000 to Build Solar Oven Factory in Uganda.

Ugandan American Global Initiatives (UAGI) http://www.ugandanamericanglobalinitiatives.org announced its plans to build a solar oven factory in Uganda with a $50,000 contribution from Together We Can Change the World, Inc. (http://twcctw.com). The factory will be located in the industrial park section of Kampala. It will be only the second solar oven factory on the continent, and the very first solar oven factory in sub-Saharan Africa.
Kampala, Uganda, 6, June 2009-- The UAGI Send An Oven project takes a concept that has been around for centuries and incorporates recently developed materials to produce the world’s most effective solar cooking devices, which can meet a high percentage of the cooking needs of African families.
Uganda’s forests are being burned at the rate of 240 million tons per year. Over 90 percent of the population is dependent on fuel wood, charcoal or agricultural waste products for their cooking fuel needs. Uganda’s exploding population has hastened the ever-increasing need for firewood, severely enhancing the degradation of land.
This land abuse is not inclined to decrease unless rural residents are given another method of food preparation. Utilizing petroleum-based cooking devices makes the long-range prospects of solving the cooking fuel problem recklessly vulnerable to supply, price, and political variations.

UAGI is currently sending Sun Oven© solar ovens to Uganda. At this time, there are approximately 1,000 ovens in the country. The goal is to send at least 10,000 ovens.
Building the solar oven factory will increase employment opportunities for Ugandans,
lower the price of ovens, making them more accessible for all families and bring useful technology to the area. Funding for this project comes from TWCCTW, Inc. According to CEO Ginny Dye, “We are committed to seeding ventures that will have long-term impact on people all around the world. It is a privilege to work with an organization so passionate about changing lives in Uganda!”
Together We Can Change the World, Inc., founded in 2002, creates sustainable funding for non profit organizations and schools around the world. The first Saturday of every month is T- Day (Together We Can Change the World Day). People, across the world, work in their own communities to make a positive change. The June 6, 2009 T-Day is focused on bringing awareness to the solar oven initiative.
My Power Mall (MPM), a division of TWCCTW, Inc., is the premier on-line fundraising mall on the Internet. With over 1,000 stores they offer a simple, no cost way to raise funds for individuals, families, businesses and organizations across the U.S. and around the world.

Jacki Varacalli, Director of Marketing
Together We Can Change the World, Inc.
(571) 366-7844
Ronald L. Mutebi, Executive Director/President
Ugandan American Global Initiatives
(312) 545-8181