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Monday, April 6, 2009

Give the Gift that Keeps On Giving!

Together We Can Change The World Day is the first Saturday of every month, and one of the most exciting things about T-Day is the way it brings people together. There is probably no better way to make a connection with others than through joining together and working on behalf of a good cause.

If you have already participated in T-Day projects, have you noticed the way people get a big smile on their faces when they hear about it? Have you noticed how often people say “Wow--that’s really a cool idea!” Well, yes, as someone who has made a deep commitment to the idea of Together We Can Change The World, your job and my job is to let our friends and neighbors and coworkers and families know that we don’t care whether a project seems to be large or small, its impact is ALWAYS world changing.

A small kindness, like chauffeuring around the neighbor’s kids for a day so the parents can get some “alone time” can cause a ripple effect in the lives of the parents, the children, and you because it can gives everyone a chance to get out of their normal rhythms and do things a bit differently for at least one day.

By the same token, organizing a large project will have far-reaching effects on large groups of people: your fellow volunteers, non-profit agency staff members, clients, and communities.

Large or small, public or private, a T-Day project is a way for us to spread our wings and touch the hearts of others. The exact type of project is really not important. What IS important, is that you find something that makes you happy and speaks to your soul. Know that others, your Together We Can Change The World “family” of like-minded people all over the world, are working with you, shoulder to shoulder. The results will be transformational.

Nearly every time someone tells us about their T-Day project, they talk about a new friendship made, a new relationship forged, or even a new networking opportunity found.

One T-day project focused on building up the food supplies in a local food pantry and brought together an accountant with a brand-new business client. Another project brought together a domestic violence shelter staff member with a volunteer who just happens to work at a paper cup factory and has access cups that are rejected from the production line. The cups might not be perfectly pretty, but they perfectly useful for the shelter to use now that donation arrangements have been made!

The stories go on and on, and the joys of volunteering for T-Day on the first Saturday of every month make T-Day the gift that keeps on giving. Open your heart and let your ideas soar!

Please go to our website http://www.togetherwecanchangetheworldday.com/ to check out project ideas, and register your own T-day project for May 2.

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...

Hi Jean,

Thoughts on T-Day inspired by your Be The Difference post this week:


Congratulations on your new position as COO for TWCCTW and MPM. You are incredible! ;-)